Active MPN Research
With many clinical trials in progress, as well as clinicians and laboratory scientists around the world researching MPNs, our understanding of these diseases continues to grow. New research on the causes and treatment of MPNs is constantly being published. Here you can find links to the latest MPN research publications.
Accurate Diagnosis and Prognosis in Systemic Mastocytosis: The Role of Mutational Analysis.
- Colonic ulcer as an uncommon finding of mastocytosis.
- Maintenance of Remission With Tofacitinib Therapy in Patients With Ulcerative Colitis.
- Cutaneous mastocytosis: A dermatological perspective.
- Genomic Analysis of Hematopoietic Stem Cell at the Single-Cell Level: Optimization of Cell Fixation and Whole Genome Amplification (WGA) Protocol.
- Clinical Aspects of Janus Kinase (JAK) Inhibitors in the Cardiovascular System in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis.
- Discovery and Targeting of the Signaling Controls of PNPLA3 to Effectively Reduce Transcription, Expression, and Function in Pre-Clinical NAFLD/NASH Settings.
- Therapeutic Potential of Endothelial Colony-Forming Cells in Ischemic Disease: Strategies to Improve their Regenerative Efficacy.
- Therapeutic thrombocytapheresis in myeloproliferative neoplasms: A single-institution experience.
- Do myeloproliferative neoplasms and multiple myeloma share the same genetic susceptibility loci?
- Novel ET mutations: stuck in the MPL with you.
- Teaching NeuroImages: Intracranial extramedullary hematopoiesis: Blood disorders on the mind.
- Impact of hematologic malignancy and type of cancer therapy on COVID-19 severity and mortality: lessons from a large population-based registry study.
- Xanthelasmoid mastocytosis: A rare entity.
- Leukemic evolution of polycythemia vera and essential thrombocythemia: genomic profiles predict time to transformation.
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